I am a man of interests, so I'm always working on several projects at the same time that will never be finished.

These are non music related projects that I considered long lived or done.

Primarily web dev projects, but also some other stuff.


My home dashboard

I have been exploring and writing Elixir for a while now, and I finally got to explore Phoenix Framework (StackOverflow developer survey most liked web framework™). The main purpose of this project is to rewrite my home dashboard to Elixir and as a challenge: Not write a single line of javascript.


Elixir, Phoenix Framework, Phoenix LiveView
illustration of project homeview.fly.dev


In my friend circle we have created a company called 'Kompis Entertainment' which specializes in all sorts of entertainment that we use for creating business themed parties. This app is a simple voting app that I created for one of our theme parties


Svelte, SvelteKit, Supabase
illustration of project Kompis.vote

My parental leave project

While being on parental leave with my first child, I wanted to have a goal that I would remember my parental leave by. My first pick was to sew a traditional bunad, but after researching and talking to a professional bunadseamstress I decided the scope was too big. The next natural thing to do was taxidermy.
illustration of project Taxidermy


When the new design for the new banknotes was released in 2017, I just loved them. I always had the idea to use the design for some kind of artsy project and when I decided to create this website, I just had to do it. This page is not meant for any other persons than me, and is just a collection of projects and things that I care about, as well as a playground where I explore new shit. The main focus for this website was theming.


Typescript, NextJS, React
illustration of project kentare.no


Ledster is a communication IoT device for coordinating meetings with peers with a tight time-schedule. Created with the initial purpose to coordinate gaming schedule for Divinity Original Sin 2 between me and two of my friends. Custom designed and hand soldered hardware with real-time communication via mqtt and wss. Can communicate via IoT-device (primary), webapp and mobile app


Hardware, async communication, reliability


React, go, mongodb, mqtt, websockets, AI
illustration of project Ledster.io


As a rare domain hunter, mediteirng.no was my first real gem. This my real intro into web development. My first react project and my first deployment on cloud VPS. I also created a small gesture library, but I really had no idea what I was doing. I really appreciate my old projects, since I can look back and clearly see what ways I have improved and which ways I have not.


illustration of project Meditering.no


While working at a small ecommerce startup with customer support I somehow got thrown into doing some SEO work. Following my philosophy of learning while doing I did Keyword Research and identified openings in the rankings. This resulted in 3-4 different pages. This is the only one that have survived. Because of the my need for customization I did my first dive into programming via these projects and loved it.


Search Engine Optimization, Keyword Research




2m page views /year
illustration of project QuizForAlle.no